Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Social Networking Sites

I remember when MySpace was the space to be in! Back in the early days of MySpace it was a place where new artists could release their music. It was like a new toy everybody had to have a MySpace page. I remember when my daughter used to use it to talk to her friends. I never really liked it. Then Facebook became popular. To me it was the new and improved MySpace. It had more features than MySpace and your audience was vast. It was a very integrated social networking site. You could post pictures and you could post things about your every move of your daily life. Facebook overtook MySpace in popularity. You have friends on Facebook. They don't necessarily have to be people you know personally so I use the term "friends" loosely! A friend could be a friend of a friend. Does that make them your friend? Facebook is used by people as well as companies to reach out to the world. People use it for business purposes or to find a job too. Most companies that have an online presence has a page on Facebook. I haven't seen any companies of late that have a MySpace page or even a MySpace logo to connect to on their website. MySpace is being revamped and getting a new image. I think that one of the people that are trying to do this is Justin Timberlake. I don't know if this will help MySpace outdo Facebook. There is another popular social networking site that is booming right now. It is called Reddit. It is a site where you can go to find out what the world is talking about. There website seems more like a newsfeed site than just social networking. You can talk about whatever interests you and people can post comments about it. Sometimes people post things here before it hits the traditional news sites. The last social networking site I like is Twitter. I love the fact that you can post your opinion on anything you want. On Twitter you have followers and people you follow. I choose to follow people that I have something in common with or those that have interesting tweets. Unlike Facebook or MySpace, Twitter posts are short and sweet. You only a few characters to get to the point so your followers understand you. Twitter is a place where place where companies can let you know about their upcoming events and get real time responses to their tweets. You can retweet something you like as well. I find myself falling in love with Twitter. I think on Facebook people put too much of their lives out there. On Twitter there is no place to do that in a few characters!

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